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Project of Contaminated Site Forensic Center Development and Spilled Diesel Decay Factor Analysis

Heavy metals, chlorinated solvents and petroleum are the most common types of soil and groundwater contaminations. Since it is hard to confirm the sources of contaminations and polluters, the setup of contamination forensic procedures and forensic center are necessary. The goal of this plan is to set up the soil and groundwater contamination environmental forensic center. We combine the results of weathering effects of diesel fuel such as evaporation, dissolution and biodegradation in laboratories and contaminated sites, setting up the database of chemical fingerprints and estimating the possible leakage time of diesel fuel. After the establishment of forensic technologies of diesel fuel contaminated sites, we can use the same ideas to push the establishments of other environmental forensic technologies and the environmental forensic center.
environmental forensic; diesel fuel; weathering effect; fingerprint